Monday, October 31, 2011

Looking for Alaska's Purpose

So it seems that I've been reading a lot of young adult literature lately. All I have to say to that is, I'm taking a young adult lit know, that's why. The latest novel I read, and can I say right off the bat, damn it was good, was Looking for Alaska. Apparently this novel is very controversial, and, although I'm not too familiar with this whole parental debate, I'm pretty sure it's one of the most tame novels I've ever read. I realized after doing some research that Black Boy has been a required text in high school. That novels main scene is a guy suffocating a woman, cutting her up, and putting her in a furnace. I'm pretty sure a 16 year old can handle the "lesson on blowies" scene. I think the older we get the more we forget what it's like to be young. Anyways, I promise I didn't write this blog to talk about teenage confusion of the female anatomy.

There was an interesting concept to the novel when one of the main charters ( guess who, Alaska) asked "how do we get out of this labyrinth"? It's a pretty intense question and I'm assuming you will find a million different answers. I will give you a hint, however, she answered wrong.

I started thinking about what my answer would be to this question because I'm so wise and all. I suppose that right now in my life my answer would be change, change and hard work. I've found that nothing comes easy. Not a job, not money, and certainly not friends. All these things take work and time. I believe if youre not happy, you should change. Most of the time this means yourself. A person, place, or thing (otherwise a noun) will never give you happiness for an extended amount of time. It's always going to be you that dictates your life and your face staring back at you in the mirror. You better find a way to love that face, I mean emotionally and physically.

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